Faculty Paper Publications 2018-19
- B. Madhuravani, B. Rama, N. Chandra Sekhar Reddy, B.Dhanalaxmi, V.UmaMaheswari, “A MATHEMATICAL MODEL OF INTEGRATED CHAOTIC BASED HASH FUNCTION TO IMPROVE RANDOMIZATION AND BIT VARIATION PROPERTIES OF CHAOTIC MAPS”, J.Mech.Cont.& Math. Sci., Vol.-13, No.-5, November-December (2018) Pp: 225-240.
- B. Madhuravani, D. S. R. Murthy, S. V. Raju, “AN IMPROVED WIRELESS NODE NEIGHBOR INTEGRITY VERIFICATION AND ENCRYPTION USING ADDITIVE AND MULTIPLICATIVE HOMOMORPHIC MODEL”, Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences, ISSN 1112-9867, 2018, 10(6S), 2911-2932.
- K.H. Vijaya Kumari, Susmitha Valli Gogula, R. Karthik – Scalar vs Vector Color Image Processing: An Analysis Journal of Advanced research in dynamical and control systems (JARDCS) FREE Journal 2018, issue:8.
- Susmitha Valli.Gogula, Karthik Rajendra – A Novel Approach For Noise Filtering From Diabetic RetinopathyImages Using Improved Pillar K-Means Algorithm Journal of Fundamental And Applied Sciences FREE Journal Issue 10(6s).
- Y.Md.Riyazuddin , G.Susmithavalli , G.Victor Daniel – An Approach For The Implementation Of Double Guard Method For Detecting The Ids In Web Applications International Journal Of Advanced Research In Management, Architecture, Technology And Engineering 2018, Vol 4(6).
- Susmitha Valli. Gogula, Karthik Rajendra – An Approach To Detect Bone Tumor Using Segmentation Technique International Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences FREE Journal 2018, Vol 10(2).
- Karthik Rajendra, Susmitha Valli .Gogula – Design And Development Of An Automated Assistance Intelligent Programmed Tool For Medical Diagnosis (AAMD) International Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences FREE Journal 2018, Vol 10(2).
- R Karthik, Sankit R Kassa, Susmitha Valli Gogula, B Naresh – Energy Efficient Reliable (2Nx1) Multiplexer Design using QCA Approach The IIOAB journal Thomson Returns (FREE journal) Pp:113-117 Vol 9(1):2018.
- G. Prabhakar Reddy, K. Sai Prasad, N. Chandra Shekar Reddy and R. Karthik, 2018. Privacy Preserving and Data Publishing using Tuple Grouping Algorithm. Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 13: 930-933.
- Kashi Sai Prasad, S Pasupathy, “Real-time Data Streaming using Apache Spark on Fully Configured Hadoop Cluster”, J.Mech.Cont.& Math. Sci., Vol.-13, No.-5, November-December (2018) Pages 164-176.
- Rama B, Sai Prasad K, Sultana A, Shekar K, “A geographical factor of interest recommended strategies in location based social networks “, International Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE), 7 (3.27) (2018) 32-35.
- Arul Dalton, Prabhakar Reddy G ,Sai Prasad K”Fuzzy logics associated with neural networks in intelligent control for better world”. International Journal of Reasoning-based Intelligent Systems. 10. 322. 10.1504/IJRIS.2018.096228.
- P. R. M. Rao, K. L. Chugh, K. S. Prasad and K. Shekar, “Impact of Active Learning in Engineering Education,” 2018 IEEE 6th International Conference on MOOCs, Innovation and Technology in Education (MITE), Hyderabad, India, 2018, pp. 107-114.
- Sowmya, G., Divya Jyothi, G., Shirisha, N., Navya, K.” Active learning strategies in engineering education“Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems Special issue(03) 1253-1258 (2018).
- Sowmya G,Divya Jyothi, Shirisha N, Navya K, Padmaja B.” Iot based Smart Door lock system “International Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE 7(3.6) 223-225(2018).
- Pushpa Rani K, Roja G, Sabitha C, Dhana Lakshmi B, Sreeja”A new approach for converse binary tree traversals “,International Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE) “,Volme 7 Issue-4(2018).
- Roja G, Pushpa Rani K, Sabitha C, Dhanalaxmi B, Sreeja S.”IOT based novel session payment system”,International Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE) Volume-8 Issue No:4(2018).
- N.Thulasi Chitra, R.Anusha and Roja published a paper titled “Locating a book in Library using Wi-fi” in international journal of recent technology of engineering with ISSN: 2277-3878 (Online), Volume-7 Issue-6, March 2019. Page No.: 114- 117.
- N.Thulasi Chitra, K.Pushpa Rani and Roja published a paper titled “A Credit Card Fake Detection System using Image Cryptography” in international journal of recent technology of engineering with ISSN: 2277-3878 (Online), Volume-7 Issue-6, March 2019.
- B. Anandkumar, Chaitrali S. Dangare, A. Manusha Reddy, Y. Indu and B. Padmaja “A survey on security in cloud computing” Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems Special issue(11) 82-86 (2018).
- Sirisha N, Kiran K.V.D,”Stock exchange analysis using Hadoop user experience (Hue)”,(2018) Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Sustainable Systems, ICISS 2017, pp. 1141-1144.
- Sirisha N, Kiran K,”Authorization of data in Hadoop using Apache Sentry”(2018) International Journal of Engineering and Technology(UAE), 7 (3), pp. 234-236.
- Sirisha N, Kiran K.V.D, Karthik R,”Hadoop security challenges and its solution using KNOX”,(2018) Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 12 (1), pp. 107-116.