1. K.Srinivas Rao “Fast finger print retrieval using minutiae neighbor structure” Springer volume 705 ISBN978-981-10-8569-7 2018.
2. K.Srinivas Rao “Secure privacy preserving of personal health records using attribute based encryption in cloud computing” AICC volume 815 ISSN2194 5357 2018.
3. K.Srinivas Rao “Secure Privacy persevering of personal health rounds using attribute based encryption in cloud computing” AICC volume ISBN 978-981-13-1580-0 FEB 2018.
4. K.L.Chugh ”Blended learning using E-shikshak” ICISS 978-1-5386-1959-9 JUNE 2018
5. K.L.Chugh ”Quality research publications A key differentiator” IJMET Volume 8, Issue 6 2018
6. K.L.Chugh “Methodology for Self-Assesment in the context of National Rankings of Engineering Institutions in India” IJCIET Volume 8, Issue 5 ISSN No:0976-6308 2018.
7. K.L.Chugh ” Strategic Approach to succeed in NIRF” JARDCS Issue No:5 Special ISSN No:1943–023X 2018.
8. N. Chandra Sekhar Reddy “An approach to enhance security using Reversable Texture synthesis process” ICECA ISSN No:133534 2017.
9. N. Chandra Sekhar Reddy “An empirical study on Feature Extraction techniques for instruction detection system” JARDCS Volume 9,Issue 2 2017.
10. N. Chandra Sekhar Reddy “Detectsstress:A novel stress detection system based on smart phone wireless physical activity tracker” AICC ISBN 978-981-13-1580-0 2018.
11. N. Chandra Sekhar Reddy “Mobile Network Services From the presence cloud” IJPAM Volume 119 Issue No:14 ISSN No:1314–3395 2018.
12. N. Chandra Sekhar Reddy “Classification Algorithms on Data mining:A Study” IJCIR Volume 13 Issue No:8 ISSN No:0973-1873 2017.
13. G.Kiran Kumar “Spatial Co-location Patten mining using Delaunay Triangulation” Springer SBIN No:978-981-10-8569-7 May 2018
14. G.Kiran Kumar “Access Policy’s Over Encrypted Cloud Storage for Secure Deduplication” IJET Volume 7 ISSN: 2227-4324 2018.
15. G.Kiran Kumar “Automated Deployment with Devop s Culture” IJPAM Volume 120 Issue No:6 ISSN No:1314-3395 2018.
16. G.Kiran Kumar “Mining Significant Co-LocationPatterns At Multiple Distances” IJPAM Volume 120 Issue No:6 ISSN No: 1314-3395 2018.
17. G.Arul Dalton “Advanced And Self Improved Meta Heuristic Algorithms For Frequency Tracking In OFDM Systems” JTAIT Volume 95 Issue No:17 ISSN No:1992-8645 SEP 2017.
18. G.Arul Dalton “Chain Algorithm To Protect Data sets From Hackers” IJCTA Volume 10 Issue No:9 ISSN No:0974-5572 2017.
19. G.Arul Dalton “Performance evaluation of shadow detection and removal from high resolution images using k-means algorithm and ioopl mapping algorithm” JTAIT Volume 95 Issue No:7 ISSN No:1817-3195 2017.
20. B.Rama “The Development of 3D Fractal Shapes for Mandelbrot and Julia sets” IJPAM Volume 118 Issue No:15 ISSN No:1314–3395 2018.
21. B.Rama “Creation and Reveal of 3D Fractals as Actual time Image Presentation” IEEE-SA ISSN No:978-1-5386-1887-5 2017.
22. B.Rama “Dynamic query forms for handling rank based database queries” IJARCS Volume 8 ISSN No:0976-5697 2017.
23. B.Rama “Fractals in 4-Dimensions – A Study” IJMET Volume 8 ISSN No:0976-6340 JULY 2017.
24. T.Dharma Reddy “Automated Assistance for Foundation Engineers” IJARCS Volume 9 Issue No:2 ISSN No:0976-5697 2018.
25. T.Dharma Reddy “Automated Course outcomes Assessment for MCQS” IJARCS Volume 8, No. 9, ISSN No. 0976-5697 Nov 2017.
26. T.Dharma Reddy “Course Outcome Assessment tool for Objective Questions” IEEE-SA ISSN No: 978-1-5386-1959-9 June 2018.
27. T.Dharma Reddy “Tool for Automated Evaluation of Descriptive Answers & Course Outcomes (TADACO)” IJETER Volume 5 Issue No:7 ISSN No:2454-6410 JULY 2017.
28. T.Dharma Reddy “Automated tool for Bloom’s Taxonomy” IJCIET Volume 8 Issue No:7 ISSN No:0976-6316 JULY 2017.
29. G.Susmitha Valli “Scalar Vs Vector Color Image Processing :An analysis” JARDCS Issue No:7 Special ISSN No:1943–023X 2018.
30. G.Susmitha Valli “Bioinformatics and image processing –Detection of plant diseases” Springer ISBN:978-981-13-1580-0 volume 815 2018.
31. G.Susmitha Valli ” analysing geographical events map reduce ” IJET 7. 237-239. 10.14419/ijet.v7i3.6.14979. 2018.
32. G.Susmitha Valli ” Enhancement of disciples cognition levels using bloom’s taxonomy in data mining ” JARDCS Volume 5 2018.
33. G.Susmitha Valli ” An approach to detect Bone Tumor Using Segmentation Technique ” IJPR ISSN No:0975–2366 2018.
34. G.Prabhakar Reddy ” Fuzzy logics associated with neural networks in the real time for better world ” Elsevier ICAAMM-2016 Volume 4 Issue No: ISSN No:8827–8836 DEC 2017.
35. G.Prabhakar Reddy ” Featured Based Pattern Analysis using Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Multiple Featured Dataset ” Elsevier ICAAMM-2016 Volume 4 Issue No:88\ ISSN No: 8827–8836 DEC 2017.
36. G.Prabhakar Reddy ” Artificial Intelligence approach for Classifying Molecular Dataset using Densitybased technique with appropriate Euclidean Distance measure ” ICAAMM-2016 Volume 4 Issue No: ISSN No:8827–8836 DEC 2017.
37. L.Lakshmi ” A Survey onLearning to Rank Algorithms ” IJARCS Volume 9 Issue No:1 ISSN No:0976-5697 JAN-FEB 2018.
38. L Lakshmi ” optimizing regression test suite reduction ” Springer ISBN 978-981-13-1580-0 volume 815 2018.
39. L.Lakshmi ” Dynamic tree based classification of web queries using B-tree and simple ordinal classification algorithm ” JDSM ISSN 0972-7272 2018.
40. L.Lakshmi ” Scalable Listwise online Learning Algorithm For Ranking ” JARDCS Volume 3 Issue No:10 ISSN No:1943023X 2018.
41. L.Lakshmi ” Scalable Listwise online Learning Algorithm For Ranking Using MAP Metrics ” IJPAM Volume 118 Issue No:15 ISSN No:1314-3395 2018.
42. L.Lakshmi ” Dynamic Navigation of Web Query Results Using B-tree and improved Page Rank Algorithm ” IJPAM Volume 118 Issue No:15 ISSN No:1314-3395 2018.
43. L.Lakshmi ” Dynamic Navigation of Web Query Results Using B-tree and improved Page Rank Algorithm ” IJCSM Volume 9 Issue No:2 2018.
44. L.Lakshmi ” Dynamic Navigation of Query Results Based on Hash –Basec Indexing Using Improved Distance Page Rank Algorithm ” springer volume 668 ISBN978-981-10-7868-2 2018.
45. K.Archana “Secure Mechanism in Cloud computing for Delegation Process using Ciphertext” JARDCS Issue No:5 Special ISSN No:1943–023X 2018.
46. K.Archana “To detect abnormal event at ATM system by using image processing based on IOT technologies” IJET UAE Volume 7 Issue No:3 2018.
47. K.Archana ” To enhance the security for ATM with the help of sensor and controllers ” ICEDS ISBN: 978-1-5386-1887-5 JUNE 2018.
48. K.Archana ” ATM Roberry Prevention By using Sensor Devices ” IJMET Volume 8 Issue No:7 ISSN No:0976-6359 JULY 2017.
49. B.Madhura Vani ” A novel secure authentication approach for wireless communication using chaotic maps ” ICEI 978-150904257 2017.
50. B.Madhura Vani ” MAA access control over cloud server Using AAC scheme in cloud computing ” JARDCS Volume 10 Issue No:5 ISSN No:1943023X 2018.
51. B.Madhura Vani ” Secure and Efficient Authentication Protocol For Secure Communication ” IJPAM Volume119 Issue No:14 ISSN No:1314–3395 2018.
52. B.Madhura Vani ” Big data query process ” JARDCS Volume10 Issue No:7 ISSN No:1943023x 2018.
53. B.Madhura Vani ” A Novel Distributed Approach For delay Differentiated Services in WSN by Dynamic Routing ” IJPAM Volume119 Issue No:14 ISSN No:1314–3395 2018.
54. B.Madhura Vani ” A novel node integrity based authentication model for dynamic wireless communication networks ” JARDCS Volume 9 Issue :special ISSN No:1943023X 2017.
55. B.Madhura Vani ” Secure authentication and dynamic encryption using ECC and wireless networks ” JARDCS Volume 9 Issue :special ISSN No:1943023X 2017.
56. B.Madhura Vani ” Motion sensor and face recognition based surveillance system Using Raspberry Pi ” IJARCS Volume 8 ISSN No:0976 -5697 2017.
57. B.Madhura Vani ” AnEfficient Authentication Scheme using Extended Dynamic Chaotic map and Image steganography ” IJETER Volume 12 Issue No:11 ISSN No:2707-2710 2017.
58. B.Madhura Vani ” Notification of data congenstion intimation for IEEE 802.11 adhoc network with power saved mode ” Springer Volume 84 ISSN No:2190-3018 2017.
59. B.Madhura Vani ” Ensure integrity and authenticity using Extended dynamic Chatic Based Hash Function for Mobile Data security ” IJSC Volume 3 ISSN:1816-9503 2017.
60. P.Ram Mohan Rao ” Privacy preservation in big data analytics: a survey ” Springer ISSN2196-1115 Sept 2018.
61. P.Ram Mohan Rao ” Interfacing Relational Data to HDFS ” JARDCS Issue No:3 Special ISSN No:1943–023X 2018.
62. P.Ram Mohan Rao ” A Survey onLearning to Rank Algorithms ” IJARCS Volume 9 Issue No:1 ISSN No:0976-5697 JAN-FEB 2018.
63. P.Ram Mohan Rao ” A Case Study on Privacy Threats and Research Challenge ” ICECA ISBN: 978-1-5090-5686-6 JUNE 2018.
64. K Pushpa Rani ” Scalable Listwise online Learning Algorithm For Ranking Using MAP Metrics ” IJPAM Volume 118 Issue No:15 ISSN No:1314-3395 2018.
65. K Pushpa Rani ” Automated Course outcomes Assessment for MCQS ” IJARCS Volume 8 Issue No:9 ISSN No:0976-5697 2018.
66. K Pushpa Rani ” Analysis and optimization of FIR filters using parallel processing and pipelining Springer Volume 815 Issue No:9 ISSN No:0976-5697 2018.
67. K Pushpa Rani ” A new approach for converse binary tree traversals ” IJCIET 7 (4) (2018) 3354-3356 2017.
68. M.Jhansi ” Smart Energy Meter For Detecting Fraudlent Electricity Connections ” IJMET Volume:8 Issue:7 ISSN No:0976-6359 JUL 2017.
69. K Pushpa Rani ” A Review on personalised medical technique using cognitive computing ” IJET ISSN: 2227-524X 2017.
70. K Pushpa Rani ” Hybridseg Framework And its Application to named entity Recognition ” IJCIET Volume:8 Issue:7 ISSN No:0976-6316 JUL 2017.
71. M.Jhansi ” Global Land Temperature Analysis Using Hadoop User Experience(HUE)” IJCIET Volume:8 Issue:7 ISSN No:0976-6316 JUL 2017.
72. K Pushpa Rani ” Automated Assistance for Foundation Engineers ” IJARCS Volume 9 Issue No:2 ISSN No:0976-5697 2018.
73. K Pushpa Rani ” Best Keyword Cover Search Using Keyword-NNE Algorithm ” IJMET Volume:8 Issue:7 ISSN No:0976-6359 JUL 2017.
74. N.Sirisha ” Authorization of data in Hadoop using Apache Sentry ” IJET Volume:7 Issue:3 ISSN No:2227524x 2018.
75. N.Sirisha ” Stock Exchange Analysis using Hadoop user experience ” ICISS 7 (4) (2018) 3423-3425 JUNE 2018.
76. N.Sirisha ” Protection of encroachment on big-data aspects ” IJMET Volume 8 Issue No:ISSN No:0976-6359 JUL 2017.
77. N.Sirisha ” Implementation of an smart waste management system using IoT ” IEEE-SA ISBN: 978-1-5386-1959-9 JUN 2018.
78. N.Sirisha ” Software reliability models- A comparative study ” IEEE-SA ISBN: 978-1-5386-1959-9 JUN 2018.
79. G.Divya Jyothi ” Design and Implementation of a store management system ” IEEE-SA ISBN: 978-1-5386-1959-9 JUN 2018.
80. G.Divya Jyothi ” Shrewd shelf management by Using IoT ” JARDCS Volume 11 Issue: Special 2018.
81. G.Divya Jyothi ” Improving student academic performance using an attribute selection algorithm ” AICC ISBN 978-981-13-1580-0 2018.
82. G.Divya Jyothi ” Phone mode conversion ” ICECA ISBN: 978-1-5090-5686-6 2018.
83. E.Amarnath Reddy ” Secure online data sharing in cloud by private transmit cryptosystem using aggregate keys ” IJET 7 (3.27) (2018) 36-40 2018.
84. K.Navya ” Design and Implementation of an Android application for management of events ” ICISS 7 (3.6) (2018) 226-228 JUNE 2018.
85. K.Navya ” Design of smart mobile case frame work based on the internet of things ” Spinger ISBN978-981-13-1580-0 2018.
86. K.Navya ” Shrewd shelf management by Using IoT ” JARDCS Voluem 11 Issue: Special 2018.
87. K. Sai Prasad ” The Development of 3D Fractal Shapes For MANdelbrot Snd Julia sets ” IJPAM Volume 118 Issue No:15 Special 2018.
88. K. Sai Prasad ” Analyzing and Prediction of Academic Performance of Students using Data Mining Techniques ” JARDCS Issue No:7 Special ISSN No:1943–023X 2018.
89. K. Sai Prasad ” An Automated mechanism For Smart Packaging Line Management ” IJMET Volume 8 Issue No: ISSN No: 0976-6359 JUNE 2017.
90. K. Sai Prasad ” A New Document representation approach for gender prediction using author profile ” Springer ISBN978-981-13-1580-0 2018.
91. P.Amarendra Reddy ” Migration of big data analysis from hadoop mapreduce to spark ” Springer ISBN978-981-13-1580-0 2018.
92. P.Amarendra Reddy ” Elite sequence mining of big data using hadoop map reduce ” I JET ISSN 2227-524X 2018.
93. N.V Rajasekhara Reddy ” Context-Aware Middleware Architectural Framework for intelligent Smart Grid Data Management ” IEEE-CITS ISBN: 978-1-5386-4599-4 2018.
94. N.V Rajasekhara Reddy ” Semantic web based Framework for scientific workflows in E-Science ” IGI-Global DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-2483-0.ch009 2018.
95. M Srinivasa Rao ” A Case Study Of Secure Embedded Voting System using Biometric ” IJCIET ISSN Online: 0976-6316 2017.
96. K Chandra Shekhar ” Detection of masses in mammograms using Bayesian method and machine learning ” IJET ISSN: 2227-524X 2018.
97. John Samuel ” A light weight buyer seller water marking protocol based on time stamping and composite signal representation ” IJET ISSN 2227-524X ISSN 2227-524X 2017.
98. G.Vijaykanth ” Data catalog methodbased on cluster similarity using rough entropy for categorical data clustering ” IJET ISSN 2227-524X 2018.
99. A.Manusha Reddy ” Energy effient keydistribution for wireless sensor networks ” IJET ISSN 2227-524X 2018.
100. G.Roja ” A survey on diagnosing health by using IOT wearables patient centric core ” IJET ISSN 2227-524X 2018.
101. B.Anand Kumar “Travelled data sequence from multi source recommendation system” IJET ISSN 2227-524X 2018.
102. V.Prashanti “Network coding aware routing for efficient communication in mobile adhoc networks” IJET ISSN 2227-524X 2017.
103. V.Prashanti “Comphrehensive data analysis of Arogya sri scheme in Telangana” JARDCS ISSN 1943-023X 2017.
104. N.Tulasi Chithra “An enhance efficiency of key management mothod for wireless sensor networks using mobile agents” Springer ISBN978-981-13-1580-0 2018.
105. G Sowmya “Machine Learning and mining for social media analytics” Springer ISBN978-981-13-1580-0 2018.
106. G Sowmya “active learning strategies in engineering education” JARDC ISSN 1943-023X 2017.
107. G Sowmya “IOT based smart door lock system” IJET ISSN 2227-524X.2018.
108. Yogender Nath N “Data mining based multimode approach for estimating the risk under heart failure cases” JTAIT ISSN 1817-3195 2018.
109. Padma “Externally measured reach ability in cybernetic remote system” IJCET ISSN Online: 0976 -6316 2017.
110. N Prameela “Offline Telugu handwritten characters recognition using optical character” ICECA ISBN: 978-1-5090-5686-6 2017.
111. N Prameela “Design and Implementation of smart automation system” IJMET ISSN Online: 0976-6359 2017.
112. B.Veda Vidya “A group tasks scheduling algorithm for cloud computing networks based on QoS” IJET ISSN 2227-524X. 2018.
113. A.Venkata Siva Rao “Shrewd Street Dovoders Driven by IOT Technolgy ” IJCIET ISSN Online: 0976-6316 2017.
114. O. Ramesh “Protecting invulnerability and security for wireless sensor networks to save data” JTAIT ISSN 1817-3195 2018.
115. Dr.V.P.C Rao “Region Based Medical Image Compression With Binary Plane Coding” ARPN Journal of E and AS ISSN 1819-6608 2018.
116. Dr.V.P.C Rao “A Kernel Based Apriori Algorithm for Sequential Pattern Mining” International Journal of Research ISSN: 2348-6848 2017.
117. Dr.V.P.C Rao “Sequential Pattern, Rule Growth Mining Implication for Knowledge Representation, Identification of Balanced Relationships between Present and Next Stage Medications in Medical Analysis” JARDC ISSN 1943-023X 2018.
118. SK. Khaja Shareef “An enhance efficiency of key management method for wireless sensor networks using mobile agents” Springer ISBN:978-981-13-1580-0 2018.
119. P.Devika “A smart information system for counting people” JARDCS ISSN 1943-023X 2018.
120. Dr.Illaiah Kavati “Score based indexing and retrieval technique for biometric databases” IJPRAI Vol. 31, No. 06, 1756009 (2017) 2017.
121. Dr.Illaiah Kavati “Hierarchical decomposition of extended triangulation for fingerprint indexing” Springer ISBN978-3-319-57660-2 2017.
122. Dr.Illaiah Kavati “An efficient score based indexing technique for fast palm print retrieval” Springer ISBN 978-3-319-57660-2 2017.