B. Madhuravani, B. Rama, N. Chandra Sekhar Reddy, B.Dhanalaxmi, V.UmaMaheswari, “A MATHEMATICAL MODEL OF INTEGRATED CHAOTIC BASED HASH FUNCTION TO IMPROVE RANDOMIZATION AND BIT VARIATION PROPERTIES OF CHAOTIC MAPS”, J.Mech.Cont.& Math. Sci., Vol.-13, No.-5, November-December (2018) Pp: 225-240.
B. Madhuravani, D. S. R. Murthy, S. V. Raju, “AN IMPROVED WIRELESS NODE NEIGHBOR INTEGRITY VERIFICATION AND ENCRYPTION USING ADDITIVE AND MULTIPLICATIVE HOMOMORPHIC MODEL”, Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences, ISSN 1112-9867, 2018, 10(6S), 2911-2932.
K.H. Vijaya Kumari, Susmitha Valli Gogula, R. Karthik – Scalar vs Vector Color Image Processing: An Analysis Journal of Advanced research in dynamical and control systems (JARDCS) FREE Journal 2018, issue:8.
Susmitha Valli.Gogula, Karthik Rajendra – A Novel Approach For Noise Filtering From Diabetic RetinopathyImages Using Improved Pillar K-Means Algorithm Journal of Fundamental And Applied Sciences FREE Journal Issue 10(6s).
Y.Md.Riyazuddin , G.Susmithavalli , G.Victor Daniel – An Approach For The Implementation Of Double Guard Method For Detecting The Ids In Web Applications International Journal Of Advanced Research In Management, Architecture, Technology And Engineering 2018, Vol 4(6).
Susmitha Valli. Gogula, Karthik Rajendra – An Approach To Detect Bone Tumor Using Segmentation Technique International Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences FREE Journal 2018, Vol 10(2).
Karthik Rajendra, Susmitha Valli .Gogula – Design And Development Of An Automated Assistance Intelligent Programmed Tool For Medical Diagnosis (AAMD) International Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences FREE Journal 2018, Vol 10(2).
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N.Thulasi Chitra, K.Pushpa Rani and Roja published a paper titled “A Credit Card Fake Detection System using Image Cryptography” in international journal of recent technology of engineering with ISSN: 2277-3878 (Online), Volume-7 Issue-6, March 2019.
B. Anandkumar, Chaitrali S. Dangare, A. Manusha Reddy, Y. Indu and B. Padmaja “A survey on security in cloud computing” Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems Special issue(11) 82-86 (2018).
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