Message from AICTE About COVID Vaccination Amrit Mahotsava
Greetings from All India Council for Technical Education !
As you are aware, ‘COVID Vaccination Amrit Mahotsava’ commenced from 15″ July 2022 to provide free Precaution Dose to all adult (18 years and above) eligible population at Government COVID Vaccination Centres (CVs) being implemented in a Mission Mode’. The special intervention is aimed to increase the uptake of the Precaution dose of COVID Vaccine among the eligible adult population. For effective rollout of this campaign proactive support of Educational Institutions (Central and State) is necessary.
In the above backdrop, AICTE requests your support and leadership in encouraging all the officials working in your institution as well as faculty, staff and students to take precaution dose of Covid-vaccine and also display the approved campaign banner (attached herewith) in the respective institution /University / College campuses and on official websites also. Special camps may be organized for facilitating this, Your support will be critical for the successful implementation of this campaign which is going to prove a big step in increasing the precaution dose uptake in the country.
Please find attached DO No. M. 11018/09/2022- CDN, dated 22.07.2022 from Secretary, Department of Higher Education for necessary action.