Technology has evolved over the centuries. When the first personal computer and the word software was discovered, it was considered to be the pinnacle of modern innovation. But now standing at the cusp of the 20th Century, technological developments surround our life.
Environmental Conservation is dependent on technology. It has changed our lives forever along with the environment that we reside in. Following are some of the recent innovations that would throw light on how technology has managed to save the environment-
Technology and Saving the Environment
Environmental conservation has been the prime agenda of many economies globally. Therefore by taking the following measures technology has taken steps to the environments –
Saving Energy
The principal usage of technology is in the process of energy conservation. Through technology, it has been possible to design smart appliances. These appliances work on command-control systems and have an automation capacitor installed in them. Technology has helped save and restore balance in the environment.
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Smart Appliances like Air Conditioners and Refrigerators can be cited as examples. These appliances can be turned off through smartphones when they are not in use. Therefore the energy can be conserved. Thermostat and Power Appliances like Smart bulbs also conserve a lot of energy. These operate based on artificial intelligence systems where smartphones and smartwatches can be used to turn the power on and off.
Elimination of Waste
We haven’t become a paperless society now. We still require hardcore pen and paper communication. But with the development of technology, artificial intelligence has evolved. Screen Technology has become more prevalent. Copying notes for important presentations is an activity of the bygone era now. All the important information is stored and documented on personal computers. This has eliminated paper waste and has brought it down to almost negligible quantities. Thereby through the aforementioned measures technology has helped in the process of saving the environment.
Technology has also been utilized to prevent food wastage. Earlier food transportation was a lengthy process. Fresh foods had to be transported within a day. If it was not done the fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) and the other perishable goods would get damaged in transit. Therefore smart appliances were introduced to keep better track of the food levels. Technology helped in saving the environment and preventing food wastage by introducing a smart refrigerator. They could store food products and keep them fresh for a long time.
Assisting the Process of Data Collection and Reducing Data Wastage
Technology has helped save the environment by introducing data elimination measures. Data Collection and Analysis can be used to create a communication channel between the partners at grocery stores and restaurants. Biofuel digesters have been the prime innovation in this regard. They have been transforming the waste generated from the food leftovers to renewable sources of energy.
Within the home, smart refrigerators are helping families keep better track of their food resources, including expiration dates, some even offering recipes using food that is about to expire.
Application of Smart Technology
Technology has helped in environmental conservation by introducing smart technological appliances. Smart Classrooms have been the biggest proponents of smart technology. Smart Classes are virtual interaction spaces where the students can learn virtually in a classroom environment and the teachers can assign lectures and conduct online examinations.
This has put to usage smart applications like smart projectors, smart whiteboards, and personal digital devices. Schools are equipping their classrooms with digital technology instruments. Appliances that ensure climate regulation, daylight brightness level and fluorescent lamps leading to conservation of electricity have been encouraged through the smart classrooms.
Encouraging Smart and Healthy Living
Finally, Technology has not only aided the process of energy conservation but has also encouraged a sense of smart and healthy living among us. Simple Applications on Phones are a good breakthrough. Different applications have been introduced containing motivating lessons, meditation techniques and regular exercise applications. These applications can provide you with techniques and practices to stay fit and healthy and work on your body stability level from a remote location. Smart Bulbs have also been introduced regulating our style of living. These bulbs emit blue lights during the power saver mode. This not only helps in the process of energy conservation but also protects the eyes from harmful emissions and ultraviolet lights.
MLRIT: Technology and Environment
MLRIT, one of the biggest engineering colleges in the country, has been a prime initiator of change and in its way has encouraged technology for environmental conservation. Its primary objective is to create innovative applications and domain capabilities across verticals for the country’s needs such as smart city, smart health, smart manufacturing, smart agriculture and others.
Thus Technology has played a key role in the process of energy conservation. Modern innovations like scientific discoveries and appliances using smart technology and artificial intelligence have been instrumental in developing the environment and conserving a lot of energy. This energy can further be channelled into productive activities.
Frequently Asked Questions (faqs)
How has technology been instrumental in saving energy?
The principal usage of technology is in the process of energy conservation. Through technology, it has been possible to design smart appliances. These appliances work on command-control systems and have an automation capacitor installed in them. Technology has helped save and restore balance in the environment.
Which smart appliances are responsible for energy conservation?
Smart Appliances like Air Conditioners and Refrigerators can be cited as examples. These appliances can be turned off through smartphones when they are not in use. Therefore the energy can be conserved. Thermostat and Power Appliances like Smart bulbs also conserve a lot of energy. These operate based on artificial intelligence systems where smartphones and smartwatches can be used to turn the power on and off.
How has technology facilitated the education sector?
Smart Classrooms have been the biggest proponents of smart technology. Smart Classes are virtual interaction spaces where the students can learn virtually in a classroom environment and the teachers can assign lectures and conduct online examinations.
How has technology ensured easy consultation with doctors?
Online medical consultations are available. Doctors are nowadays communicating with patients through video conferences. Medicines are being prescribed. Even medicine delivery applications like Netmeds and Practo have been introduced. You can place an order for the medicines on the apps and they will be delivered to your doorstep. These new technologies are offering physicians and other care providers more targeted information and helping them to provide better outcomes in treating their patients.
Is technology responsible for healthier and smart living?
Technology has not only aided the process of energy conservation but has also encouraged a sense of smart and healthy living among us. Simple Applications on Phones are a good breakthrough. Different applications have been introduced containing motivating lessons, meditation techniques and regular exercise applications. These applications can provide you with techniques and practices to stay fit and healthy and work on your body stability level from a remote location. Smart Bulbs have also been introduced regulating our style of living. These bulbs emit blue lights during the power saver mode. This not only helps in the process of energy conservation but also protects the eyes from harmful emissions and ultraviolet lights.
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